My areas of interest include DNN(Deep Neural Network) verification, constraint/contractor programming, and automated reasoning.
- Logical Node Selection Heuristic for Refinement using Spurious Counterexample
- Comparing DNN Verification Techniques and Approaches
- Research Project I & Software Verification Lab Research Fellowship Research
- Key Topic: DNN Verification
- Researched different DNN verification methods (Reluplex, Marabou, DeepPoly, Neurify, ImageStar) and compared them based on utilized analysis approaches (Reachability, Optimization, Search), completeness, soundness, and system/property constraints.
- Slide: Link
- Report: Link
- 11.2020 ~ 02.2021
- DNN Verification using Combination of SMT and Abstract Transformers
- Software Verification Lab Research Fellowship Research
- Key Topic: DNN Verification, Satisfiability Modulo Theories, Abstract Domain, First-Order Logic
- Researched a DNN verification method through the combination of SMT and abstract domain/interpreter. And through that methond verifying robustness of FCNN, CNN architectures.
- Github Repo: veriDNN
- 06.2020 ~ 10.2020
- Modeling and Validation of Raft Using Maude
- Software Verification Lab Research Fellowship Research
- Key Topic: Rewriting Logic, Model Checking, Maude
- Modeled Raft, a consensus algorithm using Maude. Verified Raft algorithm properties, ‘election safety’, ‘log matching’, and ‘state machine safety’.
- Github Repo: raft_maude
- Slide: Link
- 12.2019 ~ 02.2020
- Development of TTS Service App with Small Quantities of Voice Data
- Handwritten Math Formula Recognition
- CSED441 ‘Introduction to Computer Vision’ Term Project
- Key Topic: Optical Character Recognition, Image-to-Markup
- Applied pre-existing methods designed for printed text recognition to handwritten math formula recognition. Specifically based on a model from the paper ‘What You Get Is What You See: A Visual Markup Decompiler’
- Github Repo: im2latex
- Paper: Link